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IVS-IP8000-6ZE-GU2 new-products

Dahua Event Detection Intelligent Server

>Advanced structured + behavior analysis deep-learning algorithm with world-class target detection rate and behavior analysis accuracy.
>Dynamic loading of algorithm and chip separation to enhance system robustness.
>Universal server with PCIE slot design that enables recycling old servers to reduce costs.
>Based on video cloud architecture, it supports standalone and clustered deployment that satisfies various requirements for capacity expansion.
>The server can be sold with a client or separately, and it can work with third-party devices.
>Supports tripwire, intrusion, climbing, getting up, stay, sleep, abnormal number of people, loudness, fighting, staying alone, crowd gathering, object detection, calling, using mobile phone, falling, running, smoking, sleeping with quilt covering dead, and banging Hdad on wall.

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  • System

    Main Processor

    2 × 10 cores and 20 thread 86 processors, 2.2 GHz

    Operating System

    CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

    Intelligence Analysis Card

    6 intelligent analysis cards


    4 × 16 GB DDR4 memory modules, maximum 24 slots


    1 × 128 GB 2.5-inch SSD and 2 × 4 TB 3.5-inch HDDs with up to 8 slots. 7.2K RPM SATA 6 Gbps 512N 3.5-inch


    Supports RAID cards

    Event Detection in Controlled Place


    An alarm is triggered when the rules are met for tripwire.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • Only supports setting people as the default type for tripwire. This default is not a configurable option.

    • The location for triggering alarms can be configured as center, left center, top center, right center, bottom center, top left vertex, top right vertex, bottom left vertex, and bottom right vertex. The default value is center.

    • The direction for triggering alarms can be set as A -> B, B -> A, or A<->B.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name,rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.


    An alarm is triggered when the rules are met for intrusion.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • It only supports setting people as the object type. This default is not a configurable option.

    • The rule action list can be configured as within area and crossing area. The default value is center.

    • The detection direction is supported when crossing area is selected. You can set entering area or leaving area. The default value is entering area. You can select both of options or just one of them.

    2. Intelligent Configuration

    1) Within Area Option

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–600 sec, 3 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Minimum number of targets: 1, and the field is set as 1 by default. The minimum number of targets cannot exceed the maximum number of targets.

    • Maximum number of targets: 20, and the field is set as 5 by default.

    2) General

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 sec by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    3. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Climbing Detection

    An alarm is triggered when the body crosses the threshold in the detection area.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 1 sec by default.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Supports up to 20 rule liness.

    • Up to 10 independent alarm lines can be set for each scene.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rule liness.

    Getting up Detection

    An alarm is triggered when people get up during the arming time. It is suitable for bedtime in scenes with open floor layout beds, but not for bunk beds.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • 4 sided shapes can be used to set the detection area for getting up detection.

    • The detection line and its direction must be set for sleeping for each area. It must cover the range of a person's full body from head to foot.

    • Up to 10 independent detection areas can be set for each scene.

    • The bed must be vertically oriented to the camera monitoring direction for the scene.

    • Single-layer beds are supported, but upper and lower bunks are not.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Stay (Loitering) Detection

    Detects when a person loiters in the detection area, and triggers alarms when they remain there for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 5 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 s by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Up to 10 independent rules can be set for each scene.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for the detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Sleep Detection

    Detects when a person is lying on the table, and triggers alarms when they remain there for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 600 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Triggers alarms when a person sits still and lays on the table. You can select both of them.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Up to 10 independent rules can be set for each scene.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for the detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Abnormal Number of People Detection

    An alarm is triggered when the rules are met for abnormal number of people detection.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 3 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Rules can be set for the threshold such as equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than, within range (including boundary values) and outside the range (not including boundary values). You can also choose real-time people counting.

    • People threshold. Range. 0–20 persons, 10 persons by default.

    • Boundary value. Range. 0–20 persons, 5–10 persons by default.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10 sec, 5 sec by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for the detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Abnormal Sound Detection

    An alarm is triggered when the sound exceeds the define threshold. Only PCM decoding format is supported.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • Abnormal sound range. 1–90 dB, 70 dB by default.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1,000–3,000 ms, 2,000 ms by default.

    • After you configure the detection rules for abnormal sounds, the client displays the sound intensity decibel value of the video channel in real time.

    • One rule can be set for each scene.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, alarm image and alarm videos without the red alarm box.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rule lines.


    An alarm is triggered when 2 or more people fight in the detection area.

    1. Configuration parameters and algorithm determination range for the algorithm:

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 7 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • One rule can be set for each scene.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone., target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Crowd Gathering

    An alarm is triggered when 4 or more people gather from any of the four directions towards one central point for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 6 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for the detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Object Detection

    An alarm is triggered when an object is left unattended, remains stationary without any individuals nearby, or when it is moved from its original position or the rule area for a period of time surpassing the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 6 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 10 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • The options are abandoned object and object removal. The default value is abandoned object. You can select both options or just one of them.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Up to 8 independent detection areas can be set for each scene.

    • Experience databases can be registered, this includes the false alarm database.

    2. Alarm Details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, the object removal and abandoned object alarm names, rules for the detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Call Detection

    Detects when a person is on a call, and triggers alarms when they remain on the call for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 10 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Using Mobile Phone

    Detects when a person uses their phone, and triggers alarms when they use it for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 10 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Fall Detection

    Detects when a person squats or falls to the ground, and triggers alarms when they remain there for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 10 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for the detection zone.

    Running Detection

    An alarm is triggered when people run in the detection area for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rule lines, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Smoking Detection

    Detects when a person holds a cigarette in their hand or the cigarette is in their mouth. It triggers alarms when they smoke for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 30 by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default. It will be easy to be detected when the value is greater, resullting more false alarms.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Sleeping with Quilt Covering Head

    An alarm will be triggered when a person sleeps with the quilt covering their head in the detection area. This function is only supported in single rooms with one person in them.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 5 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default. It will be easy to be detected when the value is greater, resullting more false alarms.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Up to 10 independent rules can be set for the same scene.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Banging Head on Wall

    An alarm will be triggered when a person bangs their head on the wall. This function is only supported in single rooms with one person in them.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 5 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default. It will be easy to be detected when the value is greater, resullting more false alarms.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Up to 10 independent rules can be set for each scene.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Abnormal Number of People in the Interrogation Room Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when the ratio of officers to prisoners in the interrogation room does not conform to defined values.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 5 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Waiting time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 5 sec by default.

    • 2 detection areas can be added. There are 4 detection options: Equal to the threshold, not equal to the threshold, more than the threshold, and less than the threshold. The default value is equal to the threshold. The threshold range is 0–80, and is 5 by default. You can delete items.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Abnormal Ratio of the Police and Escorted Persons Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when the ratio of custody officers and prisoners doesn't conform to defined values.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 2 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default. It will be easy to be detected when the value is greater, resullting more false alarms.

    • Custody police can be added and prisoners can be counted. The range for prisoner count is 0–100, and is 1 by default. There are 5 comparison options: more than, less than, equal to, not equal to and invalid. The default value is more than.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, task name, alarm name, algorithm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Not Wearing Face Mask Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when people don't wear face mask for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 2 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, task name, alarm name, algorithm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Not Wearing Protection Suit Detection

    Detects when peope do not wear protection suits, and triggers alarms when they do so for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–3,600 sec, 2 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Alarms will be triggered when the requirements are met or not met.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Registering in the experience database (True alarm database).

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, task name, alarm name, algorithm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Standing Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when pepole get up in the detection area.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 1 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, task name, alarm name, algorithm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Hands Up for Help Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when people wave their hands for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 2 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 7 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, task name, alarm name, algorithm name, rule liness, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Bi-directional People Counting

    Supports bidirectional people counting in the detection area.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • Information is provided on the number of people entering and exiting the area, and those inside the area.

    • Live videos are produced and people flow data is generated on the client. The information is cleared at 00:00 every day by default.

    • Analysis results can be viewed on the client in real time.

    • People flow data can be manually reset.

    • If the operator restarts due to an anomaly, the OSD will not reset and the people flow data will continue to be accumulated.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    • Up to 32 points can be used when drawing the tripwire line within the rule area.

    • 1 rule can be set for each scene.

    • Direction lines are automatically generated that are perpendicular to the tripwire line from the start coordinate point to the next coordinate point. The line points from the left side of the line to the right side of the line. Each segment of the broken line shows a direction line.

    • Offers people flow data in real time and specially generates data from the last minute.

    Passing Object through Window Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when people pass objects through the window for longer than the defined threshold.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, algorithm name, task name, alarm name, rules for detection zone, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rules for detection zone.

    Taking Pictures Detection

    An alarm will be triggered when people take snapshots in the detection area.

    1. Intelligent Configuration

    • Algorithms are used to configure parameters, and determine the detection range and optimal default values.

    • First alarm time. Range: 1–300 sec, 10 sec by default.

    • Repeated alarm suppression. Range: 0–3,600 sec, 0 sec by default. When the value is 0, all repeated alarms will be suppressed.

    • Sensitivity. Range: 1–10, 5 by default.

    • Shapes with up to 20 sides can be used for the rule area.

    2. Alarm details

    • Alarm information: Device, channel, alarm time, task name, alarm name, algorithm name, rule lines, target box, alarm image and alarm videos.

    • Image overlay: Target box and rule lines.

    Performance of Event Detection in Controlled Place

    Camera Access

    Interrogation Room Scene Algorithm: Supports analysis of 96-channel of 2/4MP or 48-channel 8MP (20 rules can be configured for each channel) for following algorithms detection: Abnormal Number of People, Sleeping with Quilt Covering Head, Banging Head on Wall, Calling, Using mobile phone, Staying (Loitering), Falling, and Taking Pictures.

    Hall Scene Algorithm: Supports analysis of 96-channel of 2/4MP or 48-channel 8MP (20 rules can be configured for each channel) for following algorithms detection: Crowd Gathering, Object Detection, Falling, Running, Staying (Loitering), Taking Pictures. Support 48-channel of 2/4MP or 24-channel of 8MP of Fighting Detection.

    Duty Room Scene Algorithm: Supports analysis of 96-channel of 2/4MP or 48-channel 8MP (20 rules can be configured for each channel) for following algorithms detection: Sleep, Abnormal Number of People, Using Mobile Phone, Calling. Support 48-channel of 2/4MP or 24-channel of 8MP of Smoking Detection.

    Prison Cell Scene Algorithm: Supports analysis of 96-channel of 2/4MP or 48-channel 8MP (20 rules can be configured for each channel) for following algorithms detection: Abnormal Number of People, Climbing, Getting up, Sleeping with Quilt Covering Head, Staying (loitering), Crowd Gathering. Support 48-channel of 2/4MP or 24-channel of 8MP of Fighting Detection.

    Application of Event Detection in Controlled Place

    Scenario Type

    Widely applicable to indoor scenes such as prisons and detention centers for various types of facilities.

    Camera Installation Method

    Inclined mount

    Camera Installation Height

    3 m–5 m (9.84 ft–16.40 ft)


    720p and above


    Network Port

    2 × 10,000/1,000 Mbps self-adaptive network ports


    2 front USB 3.0 ports and 3 rear USB 3.0 ports


    2 × VGA ports




    8 × standard PCle card slots


    1 × RJ-45 management network ports


    Power Supply

    100–127/200–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 10/5 A

    Power Redundancy


    Power Consumption

    ≤800 W

    Operating Temperature

    +10 °C to +35 °C (+50 °F to +95 °F)

    Operating Humidity

    10%–90% (RH), non-condensing

    Storage Temperature

    –40 °C to +60 °C (–40 °F to +140 °F)

    Storage Humidity

    5%–95% (RH), non-condensing

    Gross Weight

    35 kg (77.16 lb)

    Net Weight

    27.5 kg (60.63 lb)

    Product Dimensions

    87 mm × 438 mm × 735 mm (3.43" × 17.24" × 28.94") (H × W × D)

    Packaging Dimensions

    273 mm × 754 mm × 1069 mm (10.75" × 29.69" × 42.09") (H × W × D)


    Standard 19" rack installation with guide rail


    Product Type

    All-in-one (software and hardware)