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Illegal Parking Detection 2.0

What is Illegal Parking Detection 2.0?

When a vehicle has been detected in the monitored area, snapshots will be taken and metadata will be saved. It supports overlay of license plate number, violation time, violation location, and parking duration as evidence. Based deep learning algorithm, it can offer high accuracy detection rate, instead of traffic police normally posts parking tickets to highly improve the efficiency and reduce the labor costs.



  • Warning Sounds Drive Away

    When a vehicle parks in an illegal parking area, the illegal parking PTZ can send a warning voice audio through its built-in loudspeaker to warn the vehicle to leave.
  • Multi-scenario Deployment

    Support multiple detection mode for different demands based on the characteristics of scenarios.
  • Complete Chain of Evidence

    Supports capturing of vehicle images, with license plate number and other violation information overlaid on the image as evidence
  • Wide Detection Range

    Supports displaying of panoramic and detail views simultaneously, with both channels equipped with illegal parking detection to cover a wide detection range.

Typical Scenarios

  • City Road
    City Road

  • Bus Station
    Bus Station

  • Fire Exit
    Fire Exit

  • Tunnel

  • Expressway

  • Viaduct