The retail sector is undergoing fundamental changes in the face of rapid digitalization.
The Dahua Smart Retail Solution provides security and loss prevention for retail shops while strengthening business operations with extensive video-aided business intelligence and analytics functionality.The Dahua Retail Solution uses the latest technologies to provide:
• Business Intelligence: Reduce OPEX, increase store operating efficiency, and enhance profits by grasping the direct relationship between foot traffic data and transaction data.
고객 여러분께,
2024년 10월 30일부터 기존 버전인 iDMSS, gDMSS, SmartPSS가 종료되었으며
기존에 안내드린 바와 같이 DMSS, SmartPSSLite로 통합 및 변경되었습니다.
아래 버튼을 클릭하시어 DMSS, SmartPSSLite로 이전 가이드를 확인하실 수 있습니다.