What is Thermal Imaging Long Range Surveillance?
With deep learning and thermal technology, this camera can realize long distance monitoring that can easily recognize human or vehicle even from far distances. In addition, it is also not affected by environmental factors, enabling it to provide a highly accurate thermal image of the scene.
Excellent Environment Worthiness
Extra Sensitivity for Long Range Detection
Sharpe Image Details
AI Function Integration
솔루션 및 제품
·It has ultra long range detection capability to spot vehicles and human target with fine details.
·It only receives infrared radiation, and is not affected by environmental factors.
일반적인 상황
고객 여러분께,
2024년 10월 30일부터 기존 버전인 iDMSS, gDMSS, SmartPSS가 종료되었으며
기존에 안내드린 바와 같이 DMSS, SmartPSSLite로 통합 및 변경되었습니다.
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