What is Tecnología de Autoregistro Dahua ?
Cuando la plataforma central o el dispositivo de almacenamiento backend no puede administrar directamente el dispositivo frontend a través de IP o nombre de dominio fijo, la tecnología de registro automático de Dahua resuelve sin esfuerzo este desafío de conectividad. El registro automático de Dahua es un protocolo que conecta sin problemas dispositivos en un entorno IP dinámico con la plataforma central o dispositivos de almacenamiento backend con IP fija o nombre de dominio.
Al habilitar los puertos de escucha correspondientes en la plataforma o en los dispositivos de almacenamiento backend, los dispositivos pueden acceder de forma proactiva a la plataforma central y establecer una conexión con éxito. Es sencillo de configurar, requiere poca inversión y satisface eficazmente las necesidades empresariales.

Solution and product
- Solutions

· Breaks down the barriers of network connection
· Eliminates the need for complex network settings
· Reduces deployment costs
Product selection:
- Auto Registration Technology(*Certain NVR product models can't be registered by IP cameras, please refer to the promotion PPT for more information.)
Tipycal Scenarios
Remote Area
Pain Point: In outdoor areas such as forests, the network environment is complex and constantly changing.
Solution: With Auto Registration function, devices can be managed in batches. This enables real-time data transmission and analysis, timely monitoring and protection of important facilities and resources in remote areas.Retail Store
Pain Point: In a retail chain scenario, stores are often dispersed in different locations, making it costly to deploy fixed networks.
Solution: The solution simplifies the device on-boarding process and eliminates the hassle of managing deployments across multiple locations.Construction Site
Pain Point: Construction sites are mostly temporary and large in size. Wiring is inconvenient and establishing a basic network is difficult and costly.
Solution: The real-time transmission of data makes it easier to monitor the entry and exit of personnel and vehicles, thereby ensuring safe operation in the site.