November 08, 2024 / Hangzhou, China. Dahua Technology, a world-leading video-centric AIoT solution and service provider, has successfully launched the DoLynk Developer, featuring Platform as a Service (PaaS) as its newest addition to Dahua’s burgeoning cloud environment. DoLynk Developer allows technology and solution partners to develop, run and manage applications in combination with Dahua hardware. The focus is primarily set on remote connectivity, notifications and device handling of its video hardware and alarm intrusion systems. More physical security product lines will be included in the future.
DoLynk Developer is a public cloud developer platform based on Dahua IoT, intelligence, and big data. It offers technology and solution partners with access to open capabilities such as cloud access, messaging, live view and device configuration. Development and testing are intuitive and utilize a rich and powerful toolset.
Users also benefit from a secure environment. DoLynk Developer ensures data security and privacy protection. All data are safely stored and transmitted. Personal information is strictly guarded to prevent unauthorized access. The platform holds no boundaries when it comes to scalability and concurrent messaging. Large amounts of data and simultaneous operations can be processed without limitations or slowdowns.
“We are excited to unveil a new milestone in our cloud service offering,” says Ryan Zhou, Director of Dahua Global Software R&D. “We started our journey in 2023 with DoLynk Care, our device health management service for installers. The official launch today of our new smart IoT cloud developer platform is instrumental to cater more for the developer community. They like to operate and handle Dahua hardware remotely in a safe, secure and efficient way. Our company´s mission statement is to enable a smarter society and better living. Dahua cloud services can make that happen.”
During last month´s Dahua Partner Day event in Rome, more than 400 visitors had a sneak preview of the platform´s capabilities. Dahua IP cameras and NVRs can be connected for live view, two-way audio and edge playback. Receiving of alarms and events with snapshots is available as well as remote device management. The possibilities of the Dahua alarm intrusion system are also vast, enabling it to address the ever-growing demands of alarm receiving centers.
DoLynk Developer can be applied in various scenarios, ranging from standard remote alarm management to IoT connectivity and notifications in a home automation environment. One notable example is MCDI, a Canadian company that specializes on alarm receivers and monitoring software. Founded in 1994, MCDI offers equipment that receive alarm signals from alarm panels and cameras installed in home, businesses, institutions, etc. The integration of DoLynk Developer with their system has played a crucial role in the platform’s pre-release testing stage and has enabled Dahua Technology to achieve greater excellence.
“Integrating DoLynk with our SECURITHOR Alarm Response Software unlocks new possibilities for our customers. They can now easily register Dahua devices directly from SECURITHOR and receive high-quality analytic detections, streamlining their security management,” says Eric Méthot, VP of International Sales at MCDI.
For more information about Dahua’s latest DoLynk Developer, please contact your local Dahua representative or visit the official web page here.