Global Landmarks Lighting Up

WizColor's Wonderland: Exploring the Creativity of Color

  • A Thief's Doubt

    A thief quietly stole a pot of bright flowers from a dark courtyard. When he ran away, he bumped into a security guard. The guard was holding a surveillance video taken by the WizColor camera. The thief was confused. How was he caught?

  • The Magical Dark Shadow

    When Peter stumbled over a dark shadow in a dark yard, his heart beat at the sound of swaying trees. He anxiously checked the WizColor camera from his phone. What did he find out? What made Peter go from panicking to laughing?

Pain Points

  • Light Pollution

  • Interference From Flying Insects And Dust

  • Short Visual Distance

  • Motion Blur

  • Image Noise

  • Overexposed License Plate

Low-illumination Technology Development

What is WizColor?

Dahua WizColor Technology seamlessly combines with the powerful AI-ISP, large pixel size sensor and large aperture in cameras. This unique integration enables cameras to effortlessly capture high-quality images with vibrant colors during nighttime scenarios, ensuring fine details are preserved and minimizing motion blur.


F1.0 Large Aperture

With higher amount of absorbed light by the larger aperture, the WizColor camera is able to present a more vivid, brighter image under lowlight conditions.

The amount of incoming light of WizColor F1.0 aperture is 2.5 times the amount of F1.6.

Large Pixel Size Sensor

The larger the pixel size, the more photons can be received and converted into stronger electrical signals. This greatly enhances the signal, resulting in an image with higher brightness and lower noise.

Large pixel photosensitive area

General camera
Single pixel photosensitive area
2.1 Times

Smart phone main camera
Single pixel photosensitive area
5.6 Times

WizColor Image

Accurate and Clear Details

More Realistic Color Images

Less Motion Blur

Long Visible Distance

Image Distortion Correction

Clear Vehicle Plate

  • · Detail restoration is increased by 50%
    · AI-ISP detects noise and relevant target information
    · Pixel level precise denoising algorithm

    • Camera

    • General Camera

  • · Color restoration is increased by 30%
    · Excellent color denoising capability
    · More accurate color information helps to extract accurate target information

    • Camera

    • General Camera

  • · Easy to distinguish between moving targets and backgrounds
    · No blurring and ghosting in moving targets
    · Motion detection accuracy is increased by 200%
    · Motion blur is decreased by 80%

    • Camera

    • General Camera

  • · Long visible distance, longer detection distance
    · No light pollution at night
    · No flying insects and dust reflections

    • Camera

    • General Camera

  • · System level omnidirectional distortion correction technology
    · Fixes the distorted edge of the image
    · Restores the real scene

    • Camera

    • General Camera

  • · No exposure of vehicle number plate at night
    · Target details are clearer

    • Camera

    • General Camera

Application Scenarios

  • Factory

  • Plantation

  • Farm

  • Parking Lot

  • Fish Pond

  • Courtyard

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