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“Science and technology for future education” Dahua Technology actively contributes to the modernization of education and aims to create a safe and intelligence environment for students, teachers and staff. Dahua Smart Education Solution adopts the forefront technology and products with focus on smart campus and smart classroom for the higher education, K12 education and training institution etc.
Smart Classroom
With rapid technology development, digital transformation has changed the society and economy with an ever deepening impact on everyday life. It demonstrated the need for more advanced digital education system.
Smart Campus
Violence of various degrees still exists in schools around the world, It is estimated that about 246 million children and adolescents experience violence in schools every year.
Creating a safe environment for students requires multi-dimensional cooperation across society: laws and policies, security implementation, and enhanced prevention awareness. It is important to have better risk management and relevant policies in schools.
Administrators of higher education and private schools have high demands for campus management, hoping to improve it with smart technology to create a safer and smarter educational environment.
Student Attendance
Regular school attendance is a key mechanism to support student’s educational, economic and social outcomes. Whether your school needs to maintain discipline or provide attendance data to education authorities, DAHUA Student Attendance Solution can help to spare more time from troublesome roll call.
This feature-rich solution provides contactless attendance services. It can also automatically generates comprehensive multidimensional data analysis reports, enabling schools to gain valuable insights and effectively address issues with teaching management.
Smart Education Solution
In this era of rapid technological innovation, smart education isn’t just about upgrading teaching methods—it’s about transforming education with intelligent technology to empower students worldwide with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Dahua is committed to working alongside educators, merging cutting-edge technology with educational needs, focusing on student learning, school management, and student safety, collectively shaping the future of smart education.
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We are sorry to inform you that we will be discontinuing maintenance and support service for iDMSS, gDMSS App and some versions of SmartPSS 2.0 series from the date of 15 August 2024.