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DHCC-SA-201906-001:Security Advisory - Buffer overflow vulnerability found in some Dahua IP Camera devices


SA ID:DHCC-SA-201906-001

First Published:June 10, 2019


Buffer overflow vulnerability found in some Dahua IP Camera devices. The vulnerability exits in the function of redirection display for serial port printing information, which can not be used by product basic functions. After an attacker logs in locally, this vulnerability can be exploited to cause device restart or arbitrary code execution.

Dahua has identified the corresponding security problems in the static code auditing process, so it has gradually deleted this function, which is no longer available in the newer devices and softwares. Dahua has released versions of the affected products to fix the vulnerability.

CVE ID : CVE-2019-9676

Vulnerability Score:http://www.first.org/cvss/specification-document

Base Score:7.8 (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)

Affected Products & Fix Software:

Dahua has conducted screening to identify the following affected recorder products.

Affected Model

Firmware Version

Fix Software


Build before 2018/11





Build before 2018/11





Build before 2018/11




Fix software download:

Please download the corresponding fix software (or its newer version) as listed in the above table from Dahua website. Customers can also contact Dahua local technical support to obtain the fix software.

Support Resources

Dahua technical team will be available to advise and support the upgrade process. For any questions or concerns related to cybersecurity, please contact Dahua at psirt@dahuatech.com.

We acknowledge the support of CERT-XLM - Excellium Services CSIRT who discovered this vulnerability and reported to Dahua PSIRT.